About Me
Thank you for visiting my page! Here’s a little about the artist behind Dirty Eyeball Art.
Annie Eyeball
I am from somewhere near Philly, and currently reside in Portland, OR. Art has always been a way for me to navigate and digest the world and my experiences. It helps me simultaneously think and not think.
I am currently learning to tattoo at Graveyard Tattoos in Clackamas, OR, just outside of Portland.
I have a B.A. in Anthropology from Beloit College. I did ethnographic field work in Fiji and Australia studying the operations of whiteness as a marker of colonialism. I also spent a lot of time in the bone lab.
When paper is the canvas, I prefer a thick sharpie. However, I have a love-hate relationship with charcoal, and enjoy acrylics. I make my digital art and tattoo flash in ProCreate on an IPad.
When tattooing, I use a Cheyenne Hawk and a willing human. Tattoos hurt, but pain is temporary, as is everything (except your tattoo).
Home Hoodies was created with lino-block prints. No machinery involved, just knives, lino, and Speedball ink. Archival Quality. However, processes will be changing with the upcoming revamp.
What’s a Dirty Eyeball?
It’s a dirty little eyeball.